About Kim
I thought it might be nice to introduce myself. The person behind the logo. My name is Kim and I’m professionally organised with an easy-going beachy vibe!
I started this business because I have an innate desire to make things better. To make things more organised, more efficient. To leave things better than when I arrived.
I’m creative by nature and bring that into my work. Most people may not attribute administration to creativity but I think they go hand in hand. To truly create flow in a business where everything works better, people are happier, less stressed, is pretty special. I’m grateful that I get to help create that.
I also like things to look good. Actually I like things to look amazing! Whether it’s a simple spreadsheet or social media posts, websites or advertising. It gives me joy when not only do they work really well, they look great too.
Being in nature and at the beach is my happy place. Probably why one of my favourite sayings is ‘work smarter, not harder.’ I’m passionate about my work and I also want to have a life outside of that. Life is meant to be lived. In all ways.
I love to laugh and have fun. I feel really lucky that I now get to do what I find fun every day. Yep, I find admin fun. It gives me great satisfaction sorting, organising and creating for other people. My goal is to be the Marie Kondo of administration!